This application has the built-in capability to predict the time required to empty the saline(intravenous line).
It calculates the amount of time required and sounds an alarm and vibrates the mobile device, when Saline(intravenous line) is about to empty(90%).
This is built with the love and affection for its users.
We aware of the pain when you are in hospital, taking care of your loved ones.
We have built this little app which will surely help to minimize the amount of time to actively monitor the saline(intravenous line).
This app can be used by the nurse(health care worker) as well, it will surely minimize, the amount of active monitoring of saline(intravenous line).
Note : We have assumed below things.
1. 1ml = 20gtt.
2. Saline is kept at around 4 feet height from the connection end.
Thank you for using our application and believing in us.
We value the opinions and choice of our customers and look forward to maintaining a good relationship with you.
Please write to us at about your queries, suggestions and for technical support.
Our support team is always ready to answer your queries and doubts.
YouTube link on how to use: